Billy Brimblecom
Billy Brimblecom has toured the nation, been a professional studio musician in Nashville, overcome the loss of his leg and now leading the charge with Steps of Faith a non profit with a mission of providing prosthetics to those that don’t have insurance to cover prosthetics. Billy has taken what many would call a loss and turned it into a purpose. Billy also talks about how their cover band commands $20 a ticket and sells out at a 1000 people
He also discusses his friendship with Jason Sudeikis from their time together at the Kansas City Comedy Club and how Jason continues to play a major role in Thundergong the huge benefit for Steps of Faith
Please support Billy by visiting and even donating to: https://www.stepsoffaithfoundation.org
Billy’s Yacht Rock Band Summer Breeze: https://www.facebook.com/summerbreezekc
Billy's new project: Mazinaw https://mazinaw.bandcamp.com/
Learn the art of getting paid what you are worth for your music passion.