Ideas Are the Seeds of Your Future
The rate of technology which is known as “The Law of Accelerating Returns” is getting faster and faster. The computer chip continues to...
What Do You Really, Really Want?
I can’t even count the times where I’ve gotten an idea...a good idea and immediately started thinking of all things I would need to do to...

A Letter to My 17 Year Old Self
Hey bud, you just got home from a school assembly with that rock band where your buddy got inspired to start a band and asked you to...

More Life Changing Than This Burger
You’ve heard, “getting up on the wrong side of the bed” or “starting off on the right foot” as sayings used to describe a following...

Is Your “BUT” Hurting You?
Is your “BUT” working against you? BUT is a word that can either help you move to a better place or take you the opposite direction. ...

To Do Or To Don’t Lists
If I can do it by myself, my vision is too small. There are lots of things we can do in life that allow us to stay in our bubble of a...
When To Make Big Decisions
It was 2am the last time I looked at the clock and then 4am when I woke. I pretty much just laid there trying to quiet my mind long...

Everything Always Works Out For Me
If I was tuning in for the first time and read that title, I would wonder what the author is smoking. Especially if I was coming from a...

Recovering Type "A"
Most of us have heard the term type “A” personality. A number of years ago someone told me they were a “recovering type A”. I...
Dogs Can Whisper Too
About a year ago, my wife and kids started “hounding” me for a new dog. Our previous dog had passed over a year before that. She was a...