
Thanks so much Big Time Grain Co. for engaging our students in a learning experience wrapped in a concert. They had fun and learned a powerful message about following their dreams and being their best selves. I would highly recommend the Dream Big Concert Series to any school!
Heather Holm
North Butler, Iowa Jr./Sr. High Principal

I can't say enough good things about Big Time Grain Company! They do an amazing job, our kids were engaged the whole time, up dancing and singing, They even had our staff out of their seats. Plus they have a great message for the young people! If you have a chance to see them, DO IT!!!
Mike Holm ​
Hampton-Dumont, Iowa High School Special Ed. Associate ​

Chad takes the time before the event to learn about the audience and customize the presentation in a meaningful way. They couldn’t be more engaging, relatable, down to earth, humorous and REAL.
Cassie Fogel
Northland Innovation Center

The Dream Big Series was a huge success at our middle school! Students were highly engaged with both the music and the messaging. Many students shared it was the best assembly of the year!
Dr. Jessica R. Dain
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning
Olathe Public Schools
Dr. Jessica R. Dain
Assistant Superintendent of Teaching & Learning - Olathe Public Schools

We could not have dreamed of a better inaugural concert for our new series. Y’all went above and beyond what is expected from your involvement with the kiddos.
Aaron Dobson
Maryville Parks & Recreation · Director

Youth with a passion and love of the arts don't get their soul fed and fire lit near enough, but that's what happened to her that day. She walked away knowing that she didn't need a backup plan -- just a plan for her dream!"
Angela W

To say that my life and direction have improved would be the greatest understatement of my life. Every person and plan is completely their own. As every individual is in a different place in their development, The Dream Big Tour focuses on the next step for them. I have grown into the person I always wanted to become.
Curt Coolidge
President RBC Global