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Losing Mr. or Mrs. Right

Is being right important? I used to think so. I used to think “right” was just another word for truth. Aren’t we all seeking truth? About 2am, and then again at 4am my wife’s new phone which she set on the wooden night stand vibrated and woke me up. The first time I thought, “oh well”, I will just go back to sleep. The second time I got up and walked all the way around the bed to move it to the carpet so not to hear it if it does it again. Then I walked all the way around the bed back to my side and between those 2 spots had time to get frustrated that she couldn’t have had the decency to make sure that wouldn't happen. Fortunately I was able to get a little more sleep until 6am and then got up to start my day.

Now, my normal days usually start pretty awesome, devoting time to starting on the right foot or should we say the “right side of the bed”. But today it seemed a little more difficult to make it to that “happy” place first thing in the morning. On top of that, my son had used this computer and left it in his room, running it completely dead again after a first warning on this offense. I mean, I’ve got serious and real problems here and they are jacking with my vibe. So now I have a decision to make. When the “culprits” finally wake up, do I want to continue on with my current state of being “right” or maybe it’s not that big of deal.

So what’s the point of all this nonsense. I mean, if I was sitting in your shoes, I might be thinking, “What is wrong with this guy. Those aren’t real problems. I’ve got real problems.” But before throwing the first stone Mr. or Mrs. Right, how many times have all of allowed ridiculous and petty excuses to be “right” affect your entire day. But you shoot back, “I am right and people should know it and line up with it”. Ok….At what cost? The price of enjoying your day? The cost of rubbing everyone around you wrong? Here’s a big one. The cost of your health? The cost of attracting good things into your life?

Here’s what I’ve noticed. If my day starts out great and I am able to maintain a frequency of greatness most of it, really cool and inspiring occurrences just seem to drop into my world all day long. On flipside, if I don’t start the day that way and don’t do come corrective behavioural analysis and repair, I can expect things to not go so good that day. The answer to the solution for these days is for me to do whatever I have to do to reset. Today, I grabbed a guitar, I listened to some folks on youtube throwing down some wisdom and I decided that I didn’t need to be “right” today. I feel better. You?

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